
Element Configuration Total Energy
H \(1s^1\) -0.445667

Kinetic Energy

Kohn-Sham Thomas-Fermi von Weizsacker
0.424863 - 0.424863


\(f_{nl}\) \(n\) \(l\) \(\varepsilon_{nl}\)
1.0 \(1\) \(0\) -0.23345688

Non-self-consistent kinetic energy

Density Hartree-Fock
Basis Slater-type functions
Integration grid Double exponential
Fractional occupation Yes
Units Hartree atomic units



Kinetic Energy

Functional Spin-polarized Spin-unpolarized
ref 0.50000000000000 0.50000000000000
TsKS 0.50000000000000 0.50000000000000
TF 0.45896096983686 0.28912729348881
W 0.49999999999547 0.49999999999547
GEA2 0.51451652539191 0.34468284904386
GEA4 0.53017116874258 0.36953304636969
TFW 0.95896096983233 0.78912729348428
TF5W 0.55896096983595 0.38912729348791
P82 0.48900071424922 0.31058587453778
DK87 0.51562044271254 0.34612107921610
LLP 0.51013731028388 0.33498768425572
OL1 0.51943045761653 0.34858303963519
OL2 0.51785451189464 0.34681114394260
P92 0.51462682843243 0.34479381161935
T92 0.51285744057104 0.33995928240721
LC94 0.51191187080721 0.33746011088828
LP97 0.52177899010066 0.32870016651035
VJKS00 0.47230629055573 0.28368541943677
E00 0.53443900215416 0.37328986320321
TW02 0.51040666985000 0.33533210583762
PBE2 0.90317914957753 0.68644913635079
PBE4 0.68434556744443 0.48817386867782
MGGA 0.51240459827560 0.50672632690704
GDS08 0.58684547407071 0.43158050562669
RDA 0.52624665540970 0.38179606203927
APBEK 0.51110363091862 0.33573684041394
revAPBEK 0.51556895871043 0.34099340116408
VT84F 0.90840150195394 0.73885750024485
L04 0.52180431689967 0.35419162891160
L06 0.52268461961278 0.35609753764140
revMGGA 0.58134874357427 0.51367161203025
revMGGAloc 0.53669479234850 0.50731482418065
TFLreg 0.52112220049742 0.50034272533903
LGAPGE 0.52892510956198 0.36077197407845
LGAP 0.51460792380492 0.34065244319764
MVT84F 0.50000000320845 0.50000000187075


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